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Квантово лечение

Нови хоризонти в Енергийната медицина и иновации в лечението

Комплементарна Алтернативна Медицина

Открийте отново натуралното здраве

Подобрете здравето с неинвазивни холистични методи


Радиониката е комплементарен и алтернативен метод, който третира различни физически и емоционални проблеми, като изпраща точно дефинирана енергия във вид на честоти за лечение на хора, животни или растения, независимо къде се намират в света.

Квантово лечение

Квантовото лечение е неинвазивна енергийна диагностика и лечение за целия организъм. Този метод предоставя лечение на различни медицински състояния, без да предизвиква странични ефекти. С акцент върху холистичния подход, ключът към здравето в квантовото лечение се крие в балансирането на енергиите, базирано на напреднали познания за квантовите принципи.


Постигнете баланс за вашето тяло, ум и емоции чрез синергията на Хомеопатията и Радиониката. Чрез интеграция на естествени лекарства и високотехнологични решения, нашият подход стимулира вродените лечебни способности на вашето тяло.

Вибрационна медицина

Вибрационната медицина хармонизира енергийните полета на тялото чрез светлина, звук и вибрации. Тази холистична терапия има за цел възстановяване на баланса, като използва естествената енергийна резонансност на тялото. Вибрационните средства влияят на клетъчните вибрации, балансирайки енергиите и премахвайки блокажите за постигане на пълноценно здраве.

Холистичен подход за по-добър живот

Бъдещето е тук

Пълноценно здраве: Излекувай живота си

Резервирайте час за консултация и напътствия по вашия път към балансирано здраве.

Тайната на емоционалното здраве: В нашата практика се занимаваме с широк спектър ментални и емоционални състояния, като депресия,  тревожност, страхове, хиперактивност и ADHD. Изпитайте ефективни иновативни подходи и намерете подкрепа по пътя към вашето психично здраве, включително и чрез психологически консултации. Открийте холистични решения, които дават сила на вашия ум да реализира вашите намерения.

За постигане на хармония за тялото ви предлагаме терапии, информация и решения, насочени към подобряване на вашето физическо благополучие. От превъзходни техники за релаксация и физически упражнения до тестове за хранителна непоносимост и правилното индивидуално за вас хранене.  както и ефективни холистични методи за балансиране на тялото, тук ще откриете ресурси, които ви помагат да поддържате здравословен начин на живот и да се чувствате най-добре в собствената си кожа. Изпитайте нашите подходи, създадени, за да се справите със специфичните си нужди, което ви дава сила да поемете контрола върху физическото си здраве.

 Explore our section on health checks and food sensitivity tests, covering allergies, intolerances, and toxins. Take charge of your well-being by gaining insights into your body’s unique needs. Discover personalized solutions to enhance your health, promoting vitality and addressing underlying issues for a balanced and nourished lifestyle.

Choose Our Therapies

Balancing Mind, Body, Soul: Experience Our Transformative Therapies

Have you ever felt like you’re on a handbrake, stuck in a situation? Do you suffer from unhealthy attachments to people and habits? Take a transformative journey toward emotional well-being as we guide you through the process of releasing fears, past trauma, karmic ties, and addictions that may be hindering your progress. Our energy diagnostics of emotions unveil the mental constructions and emotional frames that shape your will, influencing both your subtle anatomy and physical energy balance. Break free from limitations and discover a path toward emotional liberation, paving the way for holistic wellness in mind, body, and soul.

Explore the subtle anatomy diagnostics, unveiling the intricate web of energies that shape your well-being. Our comprehensive approach delves into the aura, chakras, and energy flow, unravelling the interplay between the physical body, five subtle bodies, seven major chakras, 21 minor chakras, 14 major energy meridians, and over a hundred minor energy meridians. Acknowledge the direct connection between emotions, mental states, and the onset of disease as we navigate this profound realm. Our diagnostics not only illuminate imbalances but pave the way for a tailored journey toward holistic health and vitality.

Unlock your potential to manifest your best self through individual mentorship for personal growth and development. In this space, we offer tailored guidance to navigate the intricacies of your evolution. Our dedicated mentor, Ina, draws upon a rich tapestry of holistic practices, combining elements of psychology, quantum healing, astrology, numerology, and spiritual guidance. Discover your true potential under personalized guidance and a holistic approach to navigating challenges and manifesting the best version of yourself. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and holistic well-being.

Our Holistic Centre

Elevate Your Well-Being with Quantum Healing for a Balanced Life

Why Choose Quantum Healing?

At our centre, Quantum Healing isn’t just a service; it’s a transformative journey tailored to your unique well-being. Here’s why choosing us makes a difference:

Holistic Approach: Our  Healing methods embrace a holistic approach, addressing the mind, body, and spirit for comprehensive well-being.

Experienced Practitioners: Our team consists of skilled practitioners with extensive experience in Quantum Healing, Radionics, natural healing,  ensuring you receive the highest standard of care.

Personalized Care: We understand that each individual is unique. Our Quantum Healing sessions are personalized to your specific needs, fostering a truly transformative experience.

Cutting-Edge Techniques: Stay at the forefront of healing methodologies with our use of cutting-edge Quantum Healing techniques, designed to unlock your body’s natural healing potential.

Positive Results: Many individuals have experienced positive and lasting results through our Quantum Healing sessions.

Compassionate Environment: Feel at ease in our compassionate and nurturing environment, where your comfort and well-being are our top priorities.


What Our Clients Say

Voices of Personal Experience: Real Stories of Transformation and Satisfaction

Experiencing quantum healing and radionics has been a game-changer for me. Dealing with chronic anxiety, the therapies provided a gentle yet profound shift in my mindset. I've found a sense of calm and balance, navigating life's challenges with newfound resilience
Family crisis navigated with patience. Ina's therapies – a source of strength and support. Thank you!
Ina is a wonderful professional and a caring person. I highly recommend her services. You will likely receive more than you expected because Ina is committed to her work. Personally, in addition to my Radionic treatment, I also used her homeopathic remedies. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Ina, and keep healing the world.
Quantum healing with Ina has been an incredible journey. Her services are a true testament to the power of holistic well-being.Thank you!
Digital creator
Ina, your psychic and Tarot readings have truly amazed me. It's unbelievable how you could have known certain things, and astonishingly, they all manifested! Your insights have not only been accurate but have played a crucial role in guiding me through different facets of my life. I'm sincerely grateful for your exceptional and insightful readings.
Ina's quantum healing services have exceeded my expectations. The Radionics sessions, coupled with her counseling expertise, have brought about profound shifts in my life. I am grateful for the holistic approach that Ina brings to the realm of well-being.
Thank you from the heart! Your mission is conducted with humanity, high professionalism, and the responsibility to be a reliable and sustainable support for everyone in need of health assistance. I recommend the Radionics method for therapy, which we used for all members of our family!
In the midst of battling depression, psychological consultations with Ina became my beacon of light. Her guidance helped me reframe my perspective, allowing me to emerge from the darkness with a renewed sense of purpose. I am deeply grateful for this transformative journey.
Thank you so much, Ina. I just needed to feel support during my extremely bad days, and your words provided exactly that for me. xxx
I recommend the method of quantum healing. It helped us a lot. Communication with Ina is excellent. The approach is professional! Sincerely, thank you!
Insurance Adviser
Confronting drug and alcohol addiction was a daunting battle until I discovered Ina and her holistic approach to recovery. She integrated radionics, quantum healing and compassionate psychological support into my treatment plan. I extend heartfelt thanks to you, Ina, who guided me through this challenging recovery process.
I want to express my immense and sincere gratitude to Ina! She helped at the exact time, wholeheartedly, in a very challenging moment for my family. Many people have forgotten what compassion is, but Inna has plenty of it. I recommend the method of treatment and therapy with radionics. Inna, keep your kindness and relentless energy to help people! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance!
Ina's guidance brought clarity and healing to my life. Grateful from the bottom of my heart.
During a family crisis, the support from various therapies was invaluable. From addressing addictions to rebuilding relationships, each session provided tools for healing. Today, our family is stronger, and I'm equipped with the skills to navigate future challenges with confidence.
Love your work...amazing x Thank you so much

Global Wellness & Holistic Balance

Sustaining Health for Animals, Plants, and the Environment

Beyond Species: Quantum Wellness for Every Animal

Explore the comprehensive well-being approach for animals through our energy healing practices. Our approach extends beyond mere physical care, encompassing the nuanced needs of dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and an array of other creatures. Whether in the wild or cherished as pets, our holistic methodologies are designed to address both physical diseases and psychological challenges. Uncover the profound connections between energy, emotions, and the health of your animals. Discover alternative methods like Radionics and Quantum healing to enhance the vitality and balance of your animals, fostering a quantum level of wellness that goes beyond traditional care.

Our approach integrates holistic principles into sustainable agriculture practices, fostering a harmonious balance between nature and cultivation. Experience the transformative power of Quantum Healing as it revitalizes the land, nurtures crops, and promotes ecological well-being. Join us in creating a sustainable and holistic farming environment that not only yields abundant harvests but also contributes to the health and vitality of the planet. With the added benefits of long-proven Radionics, our holistic approach can bring a greener, healthier future. Quantum Healing for Sustainable Agriculture and Holistic Farming is not just a method; it’s a commitment to a balanced, thriving ecosystem.

We Illuminate Lives & Transform Communities

10% of Quantum Healing’s profit goes to Radiant Healing Foundation

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